مایندموتورUrine Analysis / Babak Salimizadeh - مایندموتور
Urine Analysis / Babak Salimizadeh

در تاریخ December 01, 2009

Translated into English by Alireza Mahvelati

pdf۲.jpgpdf version


As urine analysis
Settling upon into clouds…me….
Looking forward to the end of work…

Jumped down from the moon…
It is me
With my violate sport shoes
With my neck‐like wing that is my shawl
The coffin of my dead foot that are my shoes

As urine analysis
Settled down…him….upon into clouds
Looking forward to the end of work

They were…
Not thinking of me
Not thinking of you
Not thinking of them
They were not…

I plant my arms on the consul…
They will be rotten
I know I know
And I leave my tits to the pickle bottle
To keep talking to broccoli and cucumber
My heart I leave to fruit juice can
Which its birth date had been being supposed to be taken by ambulance
My abdomen I leave to Sadi’s tomb
And disembark my stomach in following Womb
And my penis oh my cock
My cock I plant in small garden
It is gonna go hard
I know don know what I know
Coming to the end it is I!
Like a syringe no gained no pained!
Like the angel on my right shoulder fucking on the ass
The angel rested on my left shoulder!
My enemies are still wrong
They are the substitutes of Chelsea and Insurance agency
They bring me to the throne
They offer me palace
But theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese grasshoppers …
Fuckin grasshoppers…
They offer me phallus

The day before it was …
My Lord my Lordable Lording lord
My majestically Lord
Above the expiration date of my breakfast cream
Helloed me
Embraced and “the sun” He recalled me

I‐“Embraced”‐ became a camel in battle
Out of waist
I became all ears and eyes
Cloud I Became
Wind I Became
Released Became of hoppers

Oh Lord!
I won’t hang the hoppers any more
From now I apply the exact karate chops
I share what I have with the people next door
Together with aiding my grandmother
And giving honor to my honorable parents
Yet hoppers …
These fuckin hoppers…
Sitting into my head
With the eyes of a thousand chairs

Oh Lord
My majestically Lording Lord
Wish I wouldn’t be a subordinate clerk
Wish I’d have a few balls
With all fur around it…
With all the anger behind it….



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